国际领先的专业机构皇家特许测量师学会(RICS)于2019年4月26日在上海隆重举办以“地产投资与管理”为主题的RICS中国峰会,邀请数百位行业精 英共同探讨行业新环境下的地产投资和管理趋势。同日,第三届RICS Awards中国年度大奖颁奖典礼隆重举行,18个参奖团队凭借非凡表现荣膺咨询服 务、研究、设施管理、建造等11个奖项的冠军大奖。

RICS hosted the RICS China Summit in Shanghai on 26 April 2019, where about 300 industry elites participated and discussed future strends of property investment and management. On the same day, RICS announced the winners of RICS Awards China 2019.

Pierpaolo Franco RICS大中华区董事总经理 Pierpaolo Franco Managing Director, RICS Greater China

作为与建造环境领域各环节都密切相关的全球性专业机构,RICS一直致力于提供独立公正的平台,分享来自不同背 景、不同行业、不同领域的真知灼见,与政府机构、非政府组织、企业单位等合作,共同推动房地产和建筑行业在 中国市场的稳健发展。

RICS中国峰会是RICS在中国房地产和建筑行业一年一度的旗舰活动,今年我们有幸邀请到200多位来自各行各业的 嘉宾参与,包括政府部门、开发商、机构投资者、基金管理公司、法律机构等,分析当前市场存在的挑战和机遇, 分享国际和国内的最佳实践和经验,明确未来发展方向和战略。

Welcome to the RICS China Summit, our most important Summit in Shanghai.

As a global professional body working across the built environment, with private sector, governments, and on-government organisations all over the world, RICS is uniquely placed as an independent platform that is able to convene stakeholders across the entire built environment to collaborate for the benefits of the public and the industry.

The RICS China Summit is our flagship activity for China’s real estate and construction industry. We are honoured to have over 200 delegates like you who come from a wide background, including government agencies, developers, institutional investors, fund management, business management, legal, accounting consultants to deliberate on the latest developments in real estate investment and management, the challenges and opportunities in front of us,to share best practices and experience from both domestic and global markets, and identify directions and strategies for the future.

峰会发言/Summit speech


Head-to-head with the industry veterans: The trend of property investment and management


Industry dialogue: In an extended investment cycle and a backdrop of economic uncertainty, what are the best strategies for investors to achieve satisfactory risk-adjusted returns while acting responsibly on their clients’ behalf?


Industry dialogue: How to deal with the challenges and opportunities brought by industry changes to asset management

关于RICS奖/RICS Awards




As the highest accolade bestowed by a globally renowned professional body around the world, RICS Awards was launched about 20 years ago and was introduced to China in 2017. After three years’ development, it has become the most influential industry honour in China and has received increasing traction. The 11 categories of RICS Awards China celebrate and demonstrate our profession’s outstanding achievements in different areas of the built environment.

“RICS Awards China 2019 has received overwhelming response across the nation in terms of both quality and quantity. It has attracted applicants from more diversified sectors including consultancy firms, investors, developers, engineering companies, universities and research institutes. Increasingly more companies enter the awards and submit projects which blend in international practices in Chinese context. Submissions have also expanded from traditional real estate development and management to wider areas and with stronger links to the built environment. RICS Awards China provide best practices and benchmarks for China’s real estate and built industry,” commented Mr He Qinghua, head of the jury panel of RICS Awards China 2019.

The awards also focus on the implication and contribution that built environment make to the ecological environment and sustainable development. “Yi Xin Qiao” Bridge Project jointly submitted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tsing Hua University, Chongqing Jiaotong University and Chongqing University has scooped the Jury’s Awards with its outstanding concepts and achievements in environmental protection, sustainable development, public welfare in the rural areas, and technology innovation.

2019年RICS中国年度大奖冠军获奖团队及项目名单/RICS Awards China 2019: The Winners

年度专业咨询服务团队 - 建造领域

·工料测量咨询:中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司– 天府国际会议中心经济咨询团队 ·项目管理咨询:科瑞真诚 – 上海西岸传媒港项目总控和项目管理咨询团队

年度专业咨询服务团队 - 地产领域

·戴德梁行 – 策略发展顾问团队


·同济大学 – 复杂工程管理研究院


·WeWork – 大中华区楼宇运营管理团队 ·仲量联行 – 综合设施管理部团队


·华东建筑设计研究院有限公司 – 上海既有建筑功能提升工程技术研究中心


·中信和业投资有限公司 –中信大厦


·万科物业 – 七宝万科广场 ·九龙仓中国置业有限公司– 长沙国金中心


·上海瑞虹新城有限公司 –瑞虹新城悦庭


·大宗交易:凯德&世邦魏理仕 – 星港国际中心交易项目 ·租赁交易:仲量联行商业地产部 –字节跳动办公楼租赁


·科瑞真诚&申康基建 –上海市级医院项目全过程BIM+服务实践 ·上海国际主题乐园有限公司 & 联合建管国际工程科技有限责任公司 & 上海建工集团有限公司 – 上海迪士尼度假区“迪士尼·皮克斯玩具总动员”项目


·太古汇(广州)发展有限公司 – 广州太古汇项目 ·金拱门(中国)有限公司&上海伊塞古环境工程咨询有限公司– 麦当劳餐厅 ·评委会特别奖:香港中文大学&清华大学&重庆交通大学&重庆大学 – “一心桥”项目

Professional Consultancy Service Team – Construction

·China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp – Tianfu International ConferenceCenter economic consulting team ·K&Z – Project central controlling and management consulting team of Shanghai Media Port

Professional Consultancy Service Team – Real estate

·Cushman & Wakefield consulting team

Research Team

·Tongji University – Research Institute of Complex Engineering & Management

Facilities Management Team

·WeWork – Greater China building operations team ·JLL – Integrated FM team

Regeneration Team

·East China Architectural Design Institute Co – Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Existing Building Function Enhancement

Construction Project

·CITIC Heye Investment Co – CITIC Tower

Commercial Project

·Vanke Service – Qibao Vanke Mall ·Wharf China Estates – Changsha International Finance Square

Residential Project

·Shanghai RuiHongXinCheng – Ruihongxincheng · The Gallery

Best Deal

·CapitaLand & CBRE – Star Harbour International Center ·JLL markets team – ByteDance’s office leasing

Best BIM Application

·K&Z/Shenkang Healthcare – project lifecycle BIM+ service practices for Shanghai Municipal Hospitals ·Shanghai International Theme Park Co, JCM International Engineering Tech Co and ShanghaiConstruction \ Group Co – Shanghai Disney Resort, Disney Pixar Toy Story Land

Sustainability Achievement

·Taikoo Hui (Guangzhou) Development Company – TaiKoo Hui Guangzhou ·McDonald’s China & ESG Consultancy – McDonald’s Restaurants ·Jury’s Award: CUHK, THU, CQJTU and CQU – Yi Xin Qiao project

评审委员会/Jury panel


何清华 He QingHua



活动回顾/Event Review





RICS is the global professional body promoting and enforcing the highest international standards in the valuation, management and development of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure.

With offices covering the major political and financial centres of the world, our market presence means we're ideally placed to influence policy and embed standards at a national level.

We work at a cross-governmental level, delivering a single, international standard that will support a safe and vibrant marketplace in land, real estate, construction and infrastructure, for the benefit of all.

We accredit over 130,000 qualified and trainee professionals and any individual or firm registered with us is subject to our quality assurance. We're proud of our reputation and we guard it fiercely, so clients who work with our registered professionals can have confidence in the quality and ethics of the services they receive.

中国网专访RICS大中华区董事总经理Pierpaolo Franco



RICS是土地、建筑、房地产和基础设施开发和管理领域全球领先的专业机构。我们制定国际公认的标准,并对具有专业能力的人士进行认证,协助其符合RICS制定的全球性基准。我们与政府、私营部门和非政府组织开展合作,支持城市发展。目前,我们在全球 设立40多个办事处,专业人士遍布140多个国家。在过去十年中,随着中国在全球影响力的提升,中国对专业人员和标准的需求不断增长。其中一部分原因也在于“一带一路”倡议以及国内城市化进程的推动。

RICS在2006年进入中国市场。由于我们的独特之处以及与不同机构和部门的合作,我们已做好充分准备,能够凭借国际性的基准、丰富的经验和全球网络来满足国内市场的需求。RICS提供一系列商业和非商业产品,定期组织行业会议、圆桌论坛和领导层会谈等活 动,促进行业内最佳实践分享、知识交流和新工具创建。我们的广泛培训产品旨在满足人才需求,我们鼓励本地从业人员通过评估和资格认证成为全球公认的RICS专业人员,实现国际化。

问:Pierpaolo Franco先生来中国已经数年了,请您回顾一下,这几年来,RICS在中国的发展和所取得的成就(会员、员工数量、市场影响等)?


目前,我们在北京、上海、重庆、广州和香港设有办事处。在过去的4年中,我们成功地将自己定位为值得信赖的顾问,提供思想领导力、最佳实践、专业经验和知识,以支持中国的发展。我们与天津泰达开发区、苏州市政府等政府机构建立了战略伙伴关系,我们还 被邀请成为北京中央商务区委员会的联盟成员。我们还将与住房和城乡建设部会面商谈合作。此外,我们还通过提供满足人才需求的培训和专业发展课程,为当地市场和私营部门提供支持。



RICS员工团队的运作独立于任何机构,这确保我们不存在任何潜在的外部利益冲突。同时,我们与不同的利益相关者合作,确保始终与市场保持联系。RICS的独特性还在于,我们能够满足整个建筑环境不同环节的需求。虽然我们在全球范围内开展业务,而且我们 的标准也得到了国际认可,但我们针对中国国情,融合我们的全球知识和经验,提供量身定制的产品和服务。





中国经济已经进入了一个新的增长阶段,国内建造环境领域亦是如此。市场参与是一个长期而持续的过程。如前所述,我们与政府和各行业合作,提供一系列产品以满足市场需求,并定期与行业协会和政府部门会面,提供政策和实施方面的建议。这种协作和互补 使得我们可以在市场上广泛推广RICS标准和人才认证。



对RICS而言,中国是具有战略意义的主要市场。我们已经为中国制定了成熟的发展战略,并将坚持这一方向。我们在中国一线城市已经站稳了脚跟,接下来需要利用我们现有的影响力和经验,将业务扩展到二线市场,如武汉、成都和海南。 我们将继续参与和支持中国的国际合作和国内发展,为主要国家倡议提供行业建议和支持,包括“一带一路”倡议、大湾区发展、项目全生命周期成本估算、以及以人为本的城市建设。我们在香港有很强的影响力和渗透力,我们将利用现有经验支持大湾区的发展。 明年,我们将在深圳举办RICS全球旗舰活动——世界建造环境论坛年会。这是RICS举办的规模最大的年度峰会,将聚集1000多名全球商界高层和有影响力的人士,共同讨论有望改变世界的主题问题

China Interview with Pierpaolo Franco, Managing Director of RICS Greater China

Q:RICS is a global professional body with a long history of over 150 years and covers 20 different sectors in land, real estate, building and environment. Can you please share with us when RICS entered China market and why?


RICS is the world’s leading professional body in the development and management of land, construction, property and infrastructure. We set internationally recognised standards and we qualify competent professionals who work towards these global benchmarks. We work with governments, private sector, and non-government organisations to support city and urban development.

Currently we have over 40 offices around the world, and our professionals operate in over 140 countries. China has experienced strong growth and demand of professionals and standards as its global influence and footprints increase in the last decade. These are partly driven by the Belt and Road initiative and its domestic urbanisation agenda.

RICS started our activities in China back in 2006. Due to our unique presence and collaboration across jurisdictions and sectors, we arewell placed to support the needs of China with our international benchmarks, and experience bestowedin our global network.

RICS identifies and supports the needs and development of Chinese market by offering a suite of commercial and non-commercial products. We regularly organise activities, such as conferences, round table meetings and leadership talks which facilitate sharing of good practices, knowledge exchange, and creation of new tools within and across the industry. Our extensive training products are designed to meet the needs for talents, and we encourage internationalisation of local practitioners through assessing and qualifying them as RICS professionals who are recognised globally.

Q:Mr Franco has been in China for years, what do you think of RICS’s development and achievements in China (members, staff, market impact)?


Currently, we have offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. In the last 4 years, we have successfully positioned ourselves as a trusted advisor, providing thought leadership, best practices, experience and knowledge to support China’s development. We have established strategic partnership with government agencies such as TEDA and Suzhou government. We have also been invited to be a member of the Beijing CBD committee. Next week,we will meet the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. In addition, we have supported local market and private sectors by providing training and professional development required to meet talent need.

Q:How do you differentiate yourselves from other international real estate associations and local professional qualification organizations? How do you ensure the professionalism and qualification of RICS members? What benefits can you bring to your members in China?


The RICS staff team operates independently of any affiliation. This ensures we are free from any potential external conflict of interest. At the same time, we embrace a collaborative approach and work with various stakeholders so that we always stay relevant to the market. We are unique in that we address to the needs of the entire built environment. While we have a global presence and our standards are internationally recognised, we also offer tailored products to China, which we weave in our global knowledge and experience.

We have an internationally benchmarked framework of competency model to assess candidates who wish to get an RICS qualification. We also have a stringent regulatory regime to ensure our professionals work towards the standards and ethics we require.

Our close relevance to the market, and increasing appreciation by the government has provided our professionals with increased employment and business opportunities in both China and overseas. We have entered a new phase of development, where we will cultivate next generation talents who are competent in fulfilling the technical and vocational requirements of vibrant China industry.

Q:How do you maintain good relations with the leading companies in the industry and the government bodies? Will this help promote RICS standards and qualifications? How do you work together with the industry and the government to boost industry development?


China has entered a new era of growth in terms of economy as well as in built environment sector. Market engagement is a long and on-going process. As mentioned before, we work within and across governments and industries. We offer a suite of products to supportthe needs of the market, and we regularly meet with associations and governments to offer advices in policies and implementation. This collaborative and complementary approach has allowed us to promote widely the adoption of our standards and qualifications in this market.

Q:Please introduce your plan or expectation for RICS’ business growth in China for the future 3 to 5 years?


China is a key market with strategic importance to RICS. We have already set a proven development strategy for China and we will stick with this direction. We have already set a firm foot in China’s tier-one cities. Leveraging on our existing presence and experience, it’s time to explore and expand our footprints to tier-two ones, for example Wuhan, Chengdu and Hainan, which begins to see tractions for globally recognised professionals.

We will continue our engagement and support to China in its international venture as well as domestic development. We will continue to offer advices and support to new and key national initiatives, including the Belt and Road initiatives, the development of Greater Bay Area, and the adoption of whole life-cycle cost estimation and building of people-centric cities. We have a strong presence and penetration in Hong Kong. We will make use of our experience to support the development of Greater Bay Area.

Next year we will host our global flagship event the World Build Environment Forum Annual Summit in Shenzhen. This is the largest annual Summit by RICS which will gather over 1000 senior global business leaders and influencers to discuss topical issues that transform our world.

中国网新闻稿链接: 2019年RICS中国峰会在上海举办 中国年度大奖揭晓 公司网站链接: https://www.rics.org/zh/